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Looking to Analyze
Customer Feedback?

Universal Data Tagging = Universal Insights

When you silo customer feedback by feedback channel, you silo insights and wholelistic views.

The Power of business intelligence (BI) platforms without the normal costs.

Reply Pro's tagging engine can universally tag all of your customer feedback, regardless of the feedback channel. One tagged, your data is universally alligned in one central spot.

Online Reviews
Direct Messages
Customer Care Tickets
Survey Comments
Social Comments & Mentions

Universal Tagging = Aligned, Actionable Analytics

When all customer feedback is tagged the same way, your company will have consistent, wholelistic reporting that will drive understanding and actions.

Filter Customer Feedback To Find Actionable Insights

Feedback Channels

All data is tagged equally, no matter which channel provided the feedabck.

Purchase Methods

You will have more accuracy in tracking complaints by purchase methods (online, in-person, delivery, etc.)

Time and Date

When data is universally tagged, you will be able to track complaints by time and date better.

Customer Types

Universal tagging will help you track your customer types and personas with more volume and accuracy.

Rich, Contextual Data Reports

Reply Pro combines metadata with customer feedback
so your team has even more meaningful reports.

Example 1: Complaints by Dine-Type

We helped one company universally tag all of their customer feedback, including: reviews, direct messages, customer tickets, etc. After tagging, we organize customer complaints by dine-type so they can quickly see which dine-type channels were causing the most global complaints.

If our client were to just analyze online reviews, drive-thru would have been the largest complaint. However, after aggregating all feedback, they could quickly see Take-Out and Delivery are the largest volumes of complaints.

Next, Reply Pro helped them compare dine-type complaints against all of their locations. With this heatmap, they could quickly see which regions/districts/locations are struggling so they could quickly take action.

Example 2: Total Complaints (Regardless of Channel)

We helped one company universally tag all of their customer feedback so their managers could see all complaints in one chart - regardless of the feedback channel (i.e. online reviews, customer care tickets, etc.)

This custom dashboard allowed regional managers to quickly see how their region and districts were competing against the other regions and districts within the company.

Example 3: Complaints by Meal Period

We helped one company universally tag all of their customer feedback, including: reviews, direct messages, customer tickets, etc. After tagging, we organize customer complaints by dine-type and location - so they can quickly see which regions are over or under performing.

After combining online review data with customer care data, our client had a more accurate view into complaints filtered by meal period. They quickly discovered mid-day was a significant issue they wanted to address.

With the help of Reply Pro's heatmap, our client quickly saw Region 4 averaged the most complaints per-location.

With the drill-down heat map, our client quickly spotted a district within Region 4 that was abnormally high. Clicking into the district, they quickly saw which specific locations were spiking high.